A consistent member of the 6:15am class, Taylor has been with Graviton since the summer of 2019. Taylor, a busy father to his 4-year old son, Asher, and a successful realtor, still manages to fit in an hour every day for the gym. Prior to Graviton, Taylor was a marathoner, but, found it too time consuming after having a child. So he turned to Graviton… 1 hour a day, that’s it! Taylor pointed out, “The best workout routine is the one you stick with”. So true! Health and fitness isn’t about “quick fixes”... it’s about consistency. Taylor has successfully turned himself from a 3x/week to a 5x/week kind-of-guy (his Graviton attendance record proves it!)

Taylor said that his favorite thing about Graviton (and the reason he has been able to come 5 days a week) is that Graviton does the “work” for him. We design our workouts, accommodate all abilities levels (offering modifications or ways to make things more challenging), and help you achieve your goals. Exercising by yourself requires a high level of knowledge and/or motivation. Without guidance, we can spend so much time doubting whether we are doing the “right thing”. Taylor pointed out, “Doubt is a very powerful demotivator and that is taken away at Graviton”. We are there to give you structure, foundation, technique, and that extra push of motivation! As Taylor said, “All you have to do is grab your coffee and get in the car”.

Taylor talked about how much he loves using the Level Method at Graviton, which measures your overall fitness level and helps you identify where to improve. Each category in the Level Method assesses different functional fitness movements, absolute and relative strength, and aerobic power and endurance. It’s a wonderful tool for both beginner athletes AND experienced athletes. Taylor’s 2020 goal was to achieve all “Blue Levels” in the Level Method map and he did it! Congrats! His 2021 goal is to move up to all Brown levels.